Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Basics of Couponing: Lingo

I have listed common couponing lingo for the beginners of couponing. This will help you be aware of what these terms mean on coupons and during sales.

Blinkie - Machines in the Store that you pull out

BOGO - Buy One Get One

Catalina - Coupon Printer at Kroger Walgreens, etc

ECB - Extra Care Bucks

IP - Internet Printable

MM - Money Maker

MQ or MFQ - Manufacturer Coupon

OOP - Out of Pocket

Peelie - Coupon that is stuck to a product and peels off

P&G - Proctor and Gamble

Q - Coupon

RP - Redplum

RR - Register Rewards

SS - Smartsource

V - Vlassiss

WYB - When You Buy

$/$$ - money off a certain amount spent for example $4/$20($4 off $20)

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